Common dental problems are easy to identify but are they easy to treat and solve? Teeth are troublesome and most often we don’t treat our teeth as living things. But the fact is they do have nerves and live tissues which should be taken proper care of. Our mouth is thoroughly active always and a breeding ground for bacteria, both bad and good. So obviously they will get into troubles under a lot of strain like biting, chewing, grinding, talking, and aging every single day of our lives.
They do require a little love and care to stay young and healthy for a lifetime. Regular brushing, flossing and dental check-ups are excellent dental care routines to spot the signs of underlying dental conditions and understand how to solve them. This article explains you the common dental problems and the appropriate treatment measures to be taken to restore your smile and oral health.
Abscessed Tooth
An abscessed tooth is nothing but a pocket of pus and can be an extremely painful condition. It is caused by infection or the spread of bacteria from the root of the tooth to the tissue near the tooth.
Treatment Options
In most cases, antibiotics are prescribed to reduce the infection, while a root canal treatment is essential to remove the dead pulp in some extreme cases.
Bad Breath
Bad breath is often called as Halitosis and is of oral, not systemic, origin. Many recent reports state that people spend more than $1 billion a year on over the counter halitosis products, many of which are ineffective because they only mask the problem.
- Diabetes
- Periodontal disease
- Food remains in mouth
- Medications
Treatment Options
Regular brushing and flossing helps to reduce bad breath. Getting professional teeth or periodontal dental cleaning by the dentist in Penrith can remove or kill the germs that cause bad breath.
Cavities and Tooth Decay
Cavities or caries is caused by long-term destructive forces acting on tooth structures such as enamel and the tooth’s inner dentin material. If cavities and tooth decay aren’t treated earlier enough, it may result in tooth loss and destroys normal tooth structure.
Treatment Options
Following good oral hygiene and using sealants can help you to stave off cavities from forming. You can escape from tooth decay by avoiding sugar foods, brushing twice a day and regular flossing. Rinsing your mouth using a neutral solution such as baking soda and water can do more wonders.
There are other common problems like Gingivitis, Fluorosis, Dry mouth, impacted teeth, jaw disorders, oral cancer, plaque, sensitive teeth and more which can be treated by the specialised treatment process performed by professionals. Schedule your appointment with the best dentist in Penrith to save a lifetime of healthy smiles.